Fear No Stair: 5 Tips For Emergency Evacuation With Mobility Impairment

Fear No Stair: 5 Tips For Emergency Evacuation With Mobility Impairment

Aimee Quinones |

When sirens slice the air, it’s good to know you’ve done the work to prepare. Emergencies can happen to anyone, strike at any time, and natural disasters can make landfall anywhere, putting those in the vicinity in immediate danger. For some, however, escaping the situation presents more of a problem:

Emergency evacuation of disabled persons from buildings takes planning, but it’s not impossible if you’ve done due diligence. This step-by-step guide for safe evacuation will help you weather the storm with confidence when the warning bells sound and disaster looms.

Plan your evacuation routes beforehand

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ― Benjamin Franklin

Good advice never grows old (even if our presidents do). Get a hold of your building’s plans — work or residential — and map out the primary and secondary evacuation routes available to you. Remember to have your emergency contacts on speed dial, your pre-packed storm kit in an easy-to-reach place, and your stair chair available for quick deployment.

Reach out and make contact

When emergency strikes, contact your carer and stay put until they arrive to assist you. Following this, call your loved ones to inform them of the situation and where they can locate you once the evacuation is complete.

Meet your carer

Once your carer arrives, ensure that your pets are put into their carriers for safe transport from immediate danger. With your valuables and necessities secured, it’s time to put your evacuation plan into action...

Make your way to the nearest stairwell

You’ve already identified your evacuation route. Exit the area with your carer and calmly make your way to the closest stairwell with your stair descent device in tow (for this, we recommend the lightweight, portable Mobile Stairlift).

Engage your Mobile Starlift and make danger a stranger

Versatile, durable, and a direct-to-vehicle solution, Mobile Stairlift is your haven for when the world is chaos around you. This battery-operated, portable stairlift supports up to 500 pounds for 120 flights of stairs on a single charge, and features reinforced rib anti-slide crawlers to prevent you from sliding accidentally. Bring it out, have your carer activate the footbrake, and get in and strap up to safely descend the stairs.

Mobile Stairlift — your stairway to (evacuation and safety) heaven

No tracks, more affordable than competitors, and quick to deploy, Mobile Stairlift is the latest in ambulation mobility. With a portable stairlift so convenient it folds away when not in use, you can rest assured you’re prepared for fast evacuation when the warning bells sound and disaster looms. 

To help you weather disaster with confidence, we’ve created this handy checklist and emergency to-do list. For more information on how Mobile Stairlift assists the evacuation of disabled persons from buildings, click here.

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